The warmth of the sun as it touches my face
The sound of the waves crashing against the sand
The smile breaking on the face of a man I adore
The crackling of embers within a fireplace in winter
The smell of pine trees at Christmas
The high of my favorite song
The smell of pipe tobacco
A swift and knowing embrace
Laughing while loving, and loving while living purely and fully.
Reading the first sentence of a soon-to-be favorite novel
Being given a small, thoughtful gift that you will cherish forever
The look on someone’s face while giving an unexpected gift
The moment he halts his step to let you pass through the door in front of him.
Cuddling under the covers
His hand protectively on the small of your back
The sudden, unexpected inspiration to write
And then not being able to halt the words pouring out of your pen
The purity of uninhibited love
Waking up to a beautiful, warm, sunny day
The encircled, protective arms of a man when the cold nips at your bones
Shared energy between two old souls.
Bliss. Pure, unadulterated bliss.
Watching people, watching people.
Waking up in a gorgeous home you've created.
Drifting off to sleep with your head resting on his shoulder.
The sheets enwrapping your body on a weekend morning
The smell of rainwater on warm concrete.
Being woken with a kiss.
A child’s pure laughter when playing with him or her
Finding the words, as thoughts in your mind translate directly to paper.
Being utterly immersed in a foreign land.
Clambering up the side of a volcano.
Someone taking the time, especially for you.
The moment you undress in front of him, for the first time.
A home aloft the ocean.
The sudden embrace of a small child.
The intoxicating smell of a good cologne
Looking deeply into someone’s eyes, inwards toward their soul.
A well-tailored suit on a gentleman, aesthetically illustrating the values on the inside.
Fingers caressing your skin, slowly and pointedly.
Staying inside on a grey day, watching movies and listening to music into the evening.
Seeing a hard-earned red “A” scrawled on a essay
The man you love swiftly picking you up to carry you to a safe place.
The assuring love of parents.
The moment you feel that if you died that day, you would be happy.
